
Saturday, September 5, 2015


so what do we call a ranger, some think of a truck others think of a forest guard or hunting guide, but not me, a ranger is a warrior of great renown who is lawful-good or as some call it believes in the greater good of all who wants to make others feel like they can do better. So there is this one ranger who I have come to love who has lived 200+ years and may live more, I am talking about R.A. Salvatore's character Drizzit Do'Urdden really weird name but he went from the realm of the dark elves who are evil and vile except for like 3.. Him included, there skin is ebony and there eyes normally blood red bright and gleaming of death. But again his was purple like amethyst, he had a long journey ahead of him and knew he might not make it but knew his life had to change so I based myself off him. Threw high school I always did I felt like he was a perfect role model and I really enjoyed this story and still do I can say this author has kept me drawn in with his books I search for them as soon as I walk in a book store.
So what is your story mine is still just starting but changing yeah I have lived 24 years but is that really old?   

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