
Monday, September 7, 2015

look inside my mind

the mind of a lunatic, no that's not right... the mind of a mad man, no that's not right either... the mind of a random guy who doesn't know what he wants out of life.. yeah that's right..
  so lets talk about fantasy, so of us live in a happy world where things are never dark, well till you walk down that ally when its pouring rain and all you hear is the rap, rap, rap, of the rain on the metal dumpster, or was it the tin roof of the building you walked into...
fantasy worlds are the escape from reality we all love we all dream about and we all want to visit we all have our own not like the realms of magic and dragons like I live every day but our own happy place what is yours.. ill tell you mine, I look at the world as a looking glass to the future every step has a million directions and we can chose a few paths yet they are not determined directly and we can get spun around in an instant. I like seeing the outcome of the many directions and thinking of them. life has its ups and downs and we cant let the what ifs and what nots drowned us anymore, they just hold us back so why don't we take a walk to the fantasy world in my next post ill share a part of a book I am writing and I would love info back.. what I can do better what people like..etc.. talk to me

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