
Saturday, September 5, 2015

food or not??

so food.....

we all like food.. for substance, for fulfillment, for fun, for pain.... we all have a crutch mine is not food when I am upset I don't eat, in fact I have starved myself in the past, I have been so upset things felt like they have fallen apart, but I keep telling myself its not as bad as that guy, its not as bad as this one or that it can always be worse and it can, life is full of un-expectancies and miss haps which some try to hide and others try to just blow off but I tend to over try and fix.

now enough about food, what about music that is fulfillment be it rap, rock, metal, pop, new-age, nu-metal, grunge,  or many others I could just go on about like ska that is a diverse music, strange but we all know a ska band and it is "Sublime". When the lead singer passed just like Kurt Cobain we all morned we all felt a loss to the emotions and draw of their voice or style the way they composed themselves to the audience and it is good to know that there are bands that still do have that feel for the listener. David lead singer of the band "Foo Fighters" former drummer for "Nirvana" has played on stage after breaking his leg he once said "It is nice to write 82000 songs and get 82000 different responses and feelings from it", those words have still to this day been one of my most favorite quotes. Much like Kurt, "be hated for who you are than loved for who your not."

ok so I have been up since 6:30pm yesterday been stressed but not broken ok maybe a little but I know I will probably over do it some but I don't mind I am kinda full of energy and its crazy figuring out my living situation and how to fix that and other problems I don't want to get into at the moment, I have to say this is a great escape, makes my creative side escape for once....

I shall talk more, ramble or what not thank you for reading let me know what you think...

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